Wednesday 20 May 2009


The weather is a very popular topic of conversations in Britain. 56 % of all the days in Britain are overcast- dull grey and often cold. When the weather is good, people complain that it's too wet. When it isn't sunny, they say it0s too cold. In winter (December, Jenuary, February) it's cold and wet but doesn't often snow. Sring is from March to May. The summer months are June, July and August, when it can be very hor. In Autumr it is often foggy, cold and wt and the leaves fall from the trees. Scientist at the Met Office make weather forecasts for the public and for special purpses- ilitars, shipping, airlines and many others. The computers can prdict the tropical storms and hurricanes that cause so much damage around the world.

Wednesday 13 May 2009


British people read a lot. They read books, newspaper and magazines and of course they read text messages on their mobile phones
65% of British people lies reading as a majors hobby.
People buy books at the bookshops. And in the libraries people borrow books, CDs, CVDs of films and televisions programs and some libraries even let you borrow computer games. There are often reference rooms where you con go to look something up or go to study. Libraries are very important in schools and universities both for study and for reading for pleasure.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


At the weekend in Britain, millions of people take part in some kind of sporting activity.
Even more people spend part of the weekend watching sports especially football.
The top level of the games is professional football in the Premiership. At Charlton Athletic, The players every morning. in the session on the DVD, the head coach worked on passing the ball quickly and talking corner.
From August to April football is everywhere.

Football is player in schools and as a leisure activity. Both girls and boys play. Cricket is the main summer sport in Britain.Local teams play in towns and villages. Cricket is played between two teams of 11 people.
Tennis is another popular sport, especially in the summer after the famous Wimbledon Championships.
Other popular sports are golf, swimming, cycling and keeping fit and walking. But there is no doubt that for most people football is the national sport.

Wednesday 29 April 2009


People love animal, but some of the world's animals are in danger of extinction.
In some parts of the world, people collect rhino horn for use in medicine.
Chimpanzee and whale meat are popular with some people.
The World Fond for Natures (WWF) is an international organization. It started in Britain in 1961.
In Port Lympne Animals Park there are elephant, lions, African hunting dogs and many others.
30 years ago, there were on Asian wild horses left in the wild. The Asian wild horses live in China an Mongolia. Gorillas born in Britain are now back inn their natural habitat in the Congo and Cabon.
There are 3,000 wild rhinos in the wold, and 200 in zoos

Wednesday 15 April 2009


90 % of the population live in towns and 60 % of the population live in terraced or semi-detached houses.
Lost of people live in flats especially in big towns and cities.
Some houses are very modern and some are hundreds of years old.
Cottage is the name of small houses in the country.
A famous traditional saying is "An Englishman's home is the country".
British people spend a lot of time and homes on their homes and gardens.

Wednesday 1 April 2009


The Bluewater shopping complex has got over 330 different shops and 3 big departments stores. It has also got 40 bars and restaurants and a 13 screen cinema. On Sunday, it is open from 5 in the morning to 11 in the afternoon. 56% percentage of women say shopping is their main hobby.
They often go shopping every day!
Shops in Britain come in all shapes and sizes.
In a recent survey, over half of British women age between 16 and 40 called shopping their main hobby. Many high streets shops are the same is every town. Most towns have larger shops called departments stores. Put-of-town shopping center are also very popular. They have got lots of shops in a larger indoor area. All out-of-town shopping centers have a car park. There are also cinemas, bars and restaurants as well as shops.

Wednesday 4 March 2009


In Britain, school starts between eight thirty and nine o'clock.
The children go to school by bike, by cars, walking or by bus. Each lesson lasts for an hour. At the end of the lesson a bell rings.
After two or three lessons there is a break.
This is 15 minutes where students go out into the playground.
There's usually time to play games, talk with friends, read a book or do homework.
School lasts for seven hours and nearly five hours are lessons.